Part Numbers: 3966448, 3920005, 3966454, 3917287, 3973493, 3936180, 4941495, 1941496, 3977225, 4936081, 3943627, 3997773, 5339587, 5348475, 5339588, 5347976 3417629, 2864028, 3922691, 5307154, 5271176, 5258274, 5258276, 3903920 5274410, 3928797, 3935936, 5302096, 4897335, 4089119, 5260558, 5267491 5260561, 5298073, 3971411, 5261257, 5261256, 2454031, 3453752, 2454324 1835296, 2237263, 2339250, 4298236, 4298237, 4962731, 4962732, 5801661862 5802249293

Category: Cylinder Head and Components


Original Cylinder head and blocks for Cummins, CAT engines